Today I bought myself a brand new Canon EOS 450D. It has the same features as other dslr cameras, besides having wider LCD (3inch) and Live View mode. But i still adore my old Canon IXUS 60 as this camera had gone to many places with me before this. This 450D camera of mine will only be used during my jalan2 session, while my ixus will be used during my lecture and practical class sessions. Fair enough right? btw. the picture above shows 450D of North American version. There, it's known as EOS Rebel XSi.
A Beginner’s Guide to Signing Up on PG Slot
3 weeks ago
wow! bagus2..boleh la anda menangkap gambar beta nanti :P
kna tunggu aku khatam kan user manual book ni dulu. dah la tebal mengalahkan buku2 akademik plak tu. hehehe.
wow, judin ada kamera besar la.. nak ikut jalan2.. hehe.. [tak pasal2]
jom buat rombongan jalan2 melihat alam di moscow. hehe.
Amboi Cik Jude! Canon 450D. Huishh.
jgn tkesima ks. hehe.
salam ziarah bro.
sy junior ks masa sekolah dulu.baru dpt tahu yang bro juga penulis 'antologi Dunia'..
erkk..kamera itu sangat macho!
salam ziarah fathiyyah. owh junior ks ye. mesti bbakat besar mcm ks ni. good luck for ur study ya dan trima kasih sudi singgah sini. :)
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